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Jana Hanke () 0049/3581667095
02826 Görlitz, - Berlin (Berlín)
María José Camba

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María José Camba is 46 years old, lives and works as a clerk in Zamora. She lives there together with 4 foster children, 2 dogs, 4 cats, a tortoise and 3 fish. Furthermore, she is in charge of a pilgrim hostel in Zamora and likes the Camino (Way of St. James).
Maria met Johanna 2 years ago at the so-called "Camino of the animals" - an animal protection campaign. Johanna told her about the chance to take photos of Peter and Corvacero in Salamanca. So Maria took some days off work and supported Peter on his ride on the Camino for 10 days and after that she spent the weekends the same way. As she knows this region, she was great help for Peter. And for her it was a wonderful experience as she loves the Camino and horses.

María José Camba is 46 years old, lives and works as a clerk in Zamora. She lives there together with 4 foster children, 2 dogs, 4 cats, a tortoise and 3 fish. Furthermore, she is in charge of a pilgrim hostel in Zamora and likes the Camino (Way of St. James).
Maria met Johanna 2 years ago at the so-called "Camino of the animals" - an animal protection campaign. Johanna told her about the chance to take photos of Peter and Corvacero in Salamanca. So Maria took some days off work and supported Peter on his ride on the Camino for 10 days and after that she spent the weekends the same way. As she knows this region, she was great help for Peter. And for her it was a wonderful experience as she loves the Camino and horses.

Jana Hanke
() 0049/3581667095
02826 Görlitz, - Berlin (Berlín)